Olympic champion Alexei Yagudin and Tatiana Totmianina: "In marriage you need to learn how to turn a blind eye"

Olympic champion Alexei Yagudin and Tatiana Totmianina: "In marriage you need to learn how to turn a blind eye"

The famous couple celebrated the 10th anniversary of living together and told the Belarusian "Komsomolskaya Pravda" why the family for their business project and why then after 9 years of marriage, went to the registry office, of which nearly escaped

At first glance, much as they complement each other. Quiet Tatiana grounds emotional husband, who is not easy to sit still. First, Alex Werth took off with the ring finger, wedding ring, then - a pen, after his wife eats appetizing Greek salad with shrimp, and when we argue with Tatiana about the female wisdom - pretends to be asleep and snoring ...

As such opposites 10 years happy together?

- Alexei, Tatiana, can blame love at first sight?

Alex: - I do not believe in love at first sight. I understand this incomparable things, but for me it's like a car and bought it initially forbid smoking, littering, something draish. Then adaptirueshsya, and it does not seem to you such a fucking, you're looking at, and others. Similarly, within the family, the euphoria passes, start everyday - work which may or may not lead to family harmony.

- But you're in love?

- I do not recognize the word love. That someone invented the word, you can call it what you will ...

Tatiana - I'll chair ...

A: - But I have a table. For me the most important thing is not the banality - Musi-Pusey, I love you! Valuable things, rather than blunt words and phrases that come up with humanity. I'm not a romantic.

- What if in love, then confess?

A: - Just come up and hug each other.

T: - This is generally a tower.

- Sorry, the photographer left, would now be captured an act of love (laugh). You say: the relationship - is the work of ...

T: - How sounds rude, family - it's a business project for many years, including the continuation of the species, which need not only to spawn, but also to educate, not to give up, like a weed. You can turn a blind eye to many things ...

A: - Do not just close our eyes and learn to turn a blind eye.

T: - want to learn. I want to learn to listen, to hear ...

- Silenced time?

T: - Yes, shut up in our language.

- Sorry, too late telling, horrific number of divorces in recent years.

A: - And sooner would be divorced if I had not feared the stigma of "razvedenki" ...

T: - Earlier in Tsarist Russia girl and boy just born, and they're anoint the bride and groom. It seems to me that this is the perfect option when you do not meet as adults, each with its own character, and you know the person from infancy, it is already a soul mate. After all, today for many is the main issue: how to find their man?

"A woman must put her man on a pedestal"

- Tanya, you study psychology, share knowledge: how to maintain a relationship?

T: - It is important to respect: wake up, tell each other good morning smile. Start this day, rather than yesterday's claims. Never go to bed without making peace.

A: - It's like Tatiana Tarasova did: at the rink swear, screaming - a work conflict, but only for the door, she gently: "So, well, what's for dinner, you will be? You lettuce or something like that? "And there is no conflict.

T: - You know, before the girl not studied algebra and geometry, and how to make her husband happy, plus crafts, languages ​​- what a girl should know. The boys went to the military school, college, become men. Each went to, which was born.

A: - Who do you say that this is gender discrimination ...

T: - No, if a woman has the ability to - for the sake of God, but initially it is necessary to teach the girls to be women. In my understanding, girls and boys have anything at all to study separately, or attend special classes, the same ethics. Now repeat all about equality, but in my understanding a man should always be in the lead, including marriage. A woman must put her man on a pedestal.

- Often, the cause of quarrels and separations - resentment that eats away and the person and the relationship. How to deal with it?

- This lack of wisdom to speak calmly. At the time of the first offense, stop and say, "But I do not like it." And explain why. Our Lesha plus in the fact that we were brought up my mother, we did not have a full understanding of the family. Therefore, we have built our family so they themselves saw fit.

"Alex prepared a five-course dinner, but I was in for a surprise"

- Alexey, when reading your biography, I realized that the key word in your life - the adrenaline.

T: - This was before ...

A: - And now, too, but today it is rather a continuous search of a movement. I do not mean go for a walk in the park, and do something. Because you can not follow the path that has already passed many times, it is still looking for new achievements, trends ...

- Many people are trying to look for the adrenaline-restore the family, psychologists advise diversity.

A: - I'm not looking for anything in the family, I have come into the family - my dinner. Epinephrine, energy - anywhere else in the family has to be calm, tranquility.

- Tanya, what's for dinner?

T: - A cook that Alex (laughing) Yeah ... just kidding! We are already the fourth month in Sochi ...

A: - From the play "Carmen", which, in fact, come in December in Minsk.

T: - bored all the time coming up, sometimes Alex says: "And you sit, let me something to cook!"

- And what?

A: - Look, there's the Internet: opened, looked like that, quickly learned, I did. Tanya loves meat with blood, a good steak. In Sochi, not do, and in Europe, in the country in Moscow - where there is a grill and barbecue - nu-nu - and ready.

T: - We had a romantic dinner, remember, in the spring? I went with my daughter to Paris and back (the pair in France house - Ed..), Calling on the phone and he said: "Why so early? Do not rush!".

A: - Do not fit in time ...

T: - In general, Alex decided to make a surprise: a festive five-course dinner.

A: - As in the restaurant, the aperitif, the first special napitochki, salads, dessert - in the menu.

T: - Yes! Bought quail eggs for salad, Navariya, completely (laughs).

A: - Shrimp ...

T: - The only thing on Sunday ...

A: - All this is nice, but Tanya prepare - and somehow all the clean, will not drip, fat does not fly around the room. And I did, but after a whole day ...

T: - Use has all utensils, kitchen - all in a spray (laughs) ... But it does not matter!

A: - scrubbed ...

- And who got the pleasure?

T: - I ...

"He dreamed of becoming a truck driver and bought ..." Ferrari "

- You are considered a wealthy couple, with money easily parted?

A: - In my head there is a gradation, the price for each product: sausage - 100 rubles (Russian, about a half dollar - Ed.). And I do not understand why buy for 500? I never buy a car that costs money misunderstood. I do not know if more 30-40 thousand dollars. No, I have one expensive - but it's a childhood dream - "Ferrari".

- 250 thousand pulled?

A: - No, second-hand ...

T: - And then I made, because everything went, sniffed: "No, I can not!" I urged, "You now have the opportunity, take it!"

- Oh, there is a pleasure and emotion, for which, in fact, live.

- Well (sadly) ... But it is necessary to seek other, because I was already used. And yes - as a child I wanted to be truck drivers ... I wanted to associate life with transport, with movement, with the ability to see new cities, people.

T: - In principle, and doing it just a little bit ... "Ferrari".

- Well, with the price of hot dogs and machine sorted. And I still, girlish, I wonder how many of your graduation rings should cost? Tatiana is very beautiful and large stones.

T: - Well, yes, it is I love. But Alex also does not recognize the small size, so if you give - then give a (smile).

A: - There is a limit, I do not like about the numbers. Tanya knows closer to the holiday sends me a photo with goods that wants to receive a gift.

T: - For my birthday selfish Day: I should get what I want, all the attention - just me.

A: - One photo sent, and I bought ... a dog.

- And that was in the photo?

T: - Hours.

A: - watches, handbags - standard. And I thought: "Dog - vaasche be cool! I like too!". But I saw Tanya's reaction - tears of joy and disappointment ... "Blockhead - says. - Well I would send you a picture ... "Now I act strictly according to instructions.

T: - I already had a dog, but he still brought a second.

A: - But I have designed: it was a flower! Really I chose, telephoned, got acquainted, learned. And beautifully designed! But something did not go to a gift (laugh).

- But the dog is still alive?

A: - It - yes (trails off). The first lost with Tanya's mother in a car accident, and this - survived. Both dogs were in the car, sitting second behind, it is not touched.

"What has changed after the wedding? Blurred passport ... "

- You are 10 years together and were married only in the beginning of the year. I read through your story, and it seemed to me that the reason for going to the registry office that last fall, you start a new countdown in a relationship when your second daughter Michelle, barely born, could not breathe, there was a few days in intensive care. This often includes a revaluation of values, it is pushed to the registry office?

A: - It was a jolt to Tanya, I did not know what was happening.

T: - Alex is located in another city, I - in Moscow, was the meaning of his trouble, and every two hours to pass the word of doctors?

A: - For me, there was no revaluation ...

T: - No, you're too scared ...

- But a year ago the question, when getting married you, Alex, dismissed, saying that it is not the next decade. And then again - and got married.

Alex - Tanya (quietly): - And when we got married?

T: - on 22 February.

A: - (more quietly) ... it - after the birth of ..?

T: - Ku-Ku ...

A: - And, yes, when Michelle was born in October ...

- But if not - then what was the reason for going to the registry office?

A: - Believe me, we did not plan. We stood at the autograph session after the show in Novokuznetsk, and suddenly I'm talking to Tanya: "Come on, sign?" And she says: "Well, basically, I still somehow ..." I say: "And I, let ! "approach more people, take pictures," Well, che, when we? Come in Krasnoyarsk! "I have friends there, well, married 10 days later Tanya just flew to Moscow, brought a dress, a jacket Me.

- That's so spontaneously?

A: - I do not give it any importance at all.

T: - I also did not care, all asking: "Well - die?" The answer: "Well, stained passport ..." Nothing has changed, we have so many holidays in your life, and what you said about the adrenaline - every time you go out on ice, and every day you get your dose. Therefore, some domestic moments, and the wedding I can also call everyday moments, a little worried.

A: - We signed so many papers, I think: "Who is to redo all of the documents." But Tanya reassured, said that we should not, because it does not change the name. You can still answer a joke: married, because really tired of questions: "When you're married," We did not know what would be worse: "Why get married?" "Why in Krasnoyarsk?" "And why the bride was in a blue ? '.

- By the way, why in the blue?

T: - In fact, I flew to Moscow for one day, to little to be vaccinated. And only dress in a big store, which come in size, was black and blue.

A: - In the children's department.

T: - Alex was joking, but some things that give Lisa her soon-seven - and even when she was four! - I can pull over (laughs). As for the secret of a happy marriage - do not bother each other questions, do not pick.

A: - The plug must be removed in a cupboard ... 

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Original Text : https://goo.gl/vJBp9b

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