- So far I have something difficult to say because I have not departed from the start. Immediately after the show dressed in ordinary clothes, and they tell me - rewarding. Again dressed, I went out on the ice after the awards here, at a press conference. Everything in this hectic, so it really still can not understand the reasons for their mistakes in the program. I do not fall, but also to say that it was a good hire, too, can not ...
After these events will make conclusions. Chief among them, that should be emancipated to ride, and I podzazhalas bit, although power remained. It was a lot of effort on the penultimate jump. But ... well laminated short program. And in any failed to do everything cleanly. I almost do not worry, she knew that everything will be fine. It was not much tension before the start ...
Like any program. I feel quite comfortable in it. The program is about love, which is at a distance, so it is even stronger. The main character of the Spaniard, where raging passion. Her lover away, and she did not even know if he's alive. It is plagued by vague doubts that all to him in the manner in which he he ... This story ...
The music for the tango short program I suggested. A support for an arbitrary searched without me. The middle part found my coach, said, This is what you need. The first part found Victor Adoniev, and the third - Nikolai Morozov, who put the program. All the pieces fit perfectly to each other, even though they are from different works, but the music is perceived as a whole ...
The program I'm comfortable ride as "Scheherazade." With the "Bolero" it was not quite so. Exciting new arbitrary ... I like more because, apparently, I now have this condition. I getting older. Previously, the coach said: "Go back to work, Dolby," and I went and worked. That is now the approach has changed. The body is no longer so young - yes, yes, it is felt. One "swotting" will get you nowhere, so we have become more reasonable approach to training ...
I'm in my second year, after a ride in Sochi has run the institute who has seen all to say "Goodbye". But between the «Cup of Russia» and the next start will break, and that's devoted to his studies, - said Anna Pogorilaya.
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