The Grand Prix Final held in December 2015 in Barcelona, Hanyu set world records in the short (110.95) and any program (219.48), as well as the total score (330.43). At a tournament in Montreal in the beginning of the season, the Japanese occupied the first place with 260.57 points.
"I looked Hanyu program, but I can not say that he gave me very impressed Not I came in strong excitement from his riding to me the way it looks loosening, -.. Said Gachinsky on the phone -. Yes, he takes the elements of the complex with an interesting continuation, after jumping he has a lot of speed, additional steps are interesting, but it caught me a long time ago in the eye when he first started in the adult skating. he used to be one of the few skaters are able to creatively go after challenging jumps. "
Coach Alexei Mishin, who worked with Gachinsky, said in an interview, "R-Sport" that earlier bronze medalist of the 2011 World Cup played quadruple rittberger better than Japanese now (on the "Autumn Classic" Hanyu included in both programs that jump in four turns ).
"It is better to judge those who looked at me from the side - reacted Gachinsky -. Maybe, yes ... But anyway, I was very surprised when I read this interview with Aleksei Nikolaevich I guess he was not kidding in Canada Hanyu very honorably discharged.. . rittberger quadruple, clean, surely he does it for a long time, not just performed on demonstrations is great, but I agree with Alexei Nikolaevich, the future of figure skating will not stop rittberger, lutz and flip -.! steeper. "
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Original Text: https://goo.gl/UIOR0Q
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